
Below are the forms you will need as an SHBT Student, along with the deadlines of when they are due.   Please submit all completed forms to the Program Administrator:

Rotation Registration 

Student Rotation Report

Faculty Rotation Feedback Report

Dissertation Advisor Declaration

Plan for Concentration

Request for Oral Examination

Oral Qualifying Examination Report 

Dissertation Advisory Committee Proposal Form

Dissertation Advisory Committee Report 

Mentor/Trainee Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Guidelines

Individual Development Plan

Travel and Reimbursement Forms

Travel Request Form Submit before travel to a conference, when expenses are to be paid from a travel allowance.

Payment Request Form Submit after travel to a conference, to request payment from a travel allowance.  Submit with original paper receipts, or with a Missing Receipt Affidavit and documentation of expenses.

Student Reimbursement Form For reimbursement of purchases made on behalf of the department, e.g. catering for a department or student event. Submit with original paper receipts, or with a Missing Receipt Affidavit and documentation of expenses.

Missing Receipt Affidavit This form is for reimbursement of expenses without an original paper receipt, including receipts received by email (e.g. airline flight receipts) and online confirmations of charges. Submit with a copy or screenshot of your credit card or bank statement, showing the charge.